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The relationship and difference between HACCP and ISO22000

Add time:2017-10-12 Browse times:3245second

  Abstract: HACCP is a systematic method, is the foundation of the modern world to ensure food safety, its role is to prevent the food production process (including manufacturing, transportation and marketing) to produce.HACCP food harmful substances is not dependent on the final product testing to ensure the safety of food, but food safety based on the control of processing in the process, to prevent food products in the hazard or reduce it to an acceptable degree. Because the trade internationalization and globalization, based on the principle of HACCP, the development of an international standard has become a national food industry strong demand for.ISO22000 is the hazard analysis and critical control points in < < HACCP CAC Alimentarius Commission based on the general principles of food hygiene in the annex) > system and guidelines for the implementation of the food safety management system standard "as the principle. This standard will also make the existing food safety management system of Department certification is unified to a standard

  Keywords: HACCP ISO22000 system distinction

  HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) hazard analysis and critical control point, is the effective way to control the management of food quality in the world. Its principle in 1999 by the international Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), HACCP system consists of the following 7 parts: 1, the principle of hazard analysis and control measures; 2, to determine the key control point (CCPs); 3, the establishment of key limit value of CCP; 4, establishing a monitoring system of CCP; 5, establish corrective measures, to facilitate monitoring shows that the use of a particular CCP control; 6, establish verification procedures, to confirm the validity of the HACCP system; 7, the establishment of the file system the principle and its application in all the procedures and records.

  First, the function and defect of HACCP

  HACCP is to assess the possible hazards in the food processing process, and then take the food safety control system for preventive control. Unlike the traditional quality control methods; HACCP is for raw materials, various factors affecting product safety in the production process analysis, determine the key link in the process. Establish and improve the monitoring procedure and standard, take effective corrective measures, will harm prevention, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level of consumers, to ensure that food processors can provide safer food for consumers.

  HACCP ensures that the food consumption in production, processing, manufacturing, preparing and eating in the process in safety, hazard identification, evaluation and control is a scientific, reasonable and systematic method. But does not represent an unacceptable health threat. Possible identification of food production process and take the appropriate control measures to prevent hazards. Through every step of monitoring and control of the machining process, thereby reducing the probability of occurrence of harm.

  In the production management practice, the principle of HACCP also has some shortcomings and deficiencies. That emphasizes the prior hazard analysis in management, while the introduction of data and monitoring of the key process, ignore it should be placed in a perfect, in order to better play the role of the system and strict management system.

  Two, the relationship between ISO22000 and HACCP

  The international organization for Standardization (ISO) released in September 2005 ISO 22000:2005, China has formulated various organizations of national standard GB/T 22000-2006< food safety management system in the food chain in the same way the requirements "(hereinafter referred to as the" GB/T 22000 "), which was released on March 2006, July 2006 start the implementation.

  The national certification and Accreditation Administration released on January 2005 and the requirements for the HACCP-EC-01< food safety management system "(hereinafter referred to as" HACCP-EC-01 "), is equivalent to the ISO/DIS 22000 of.HACCP-EC-01 before the release of GB/T 22000 as China's food safety management system (FSMS) certification basis to play a positive role, unified certification standards.

  The standard ISO22000 food safety management system based on the principle of HACCP is developed in order to make up the deficiency above, in absorbing and the basic principles and methods of ISO9001 quality management system on the principle of HACCP, it is rich and perfect. So we can say that ISO22000 is the HACCP principle in food safety the management of the issue by the principle to the standard system upgrade, more conducive to the management of the enterprises in the food safety.

  ISO 22000 uses a ISO 9000 standard architecture in food risk identification, confirmation and system management, with reference to the Codex Alimentarius Commission promulgated the "general principles of food hygiene" related to HACCP system and Application guide.ISO 22000 covering the use of the whole process of food chain, namely raw material planting, breeding, primary processing. Manufacturing, transport, until the consumers use, including food and beverage.

  The purpose of ISO22000 is to let the food chain of all kinds of organizations in the implementation of the food safety management system, to ensure that the organization will be the final product delivery to the food chain for a period of time has passed, will determine which control and elimination of hazards can be reduced to acceptable level of.ISO22000 is suitable for all kinds of organizations within the food chain, from the producers of raw materials, primary to the producers, food manufacturing, transportation and warehouse operators, retail subcontractors and foodservice operators, and their associated organizations, such as equipment, packaging materials, additives and materials producers.

  ISO22000 standard for food enterprises to provide a standard framework of.ISO22000 food safety management system of a system in the integration of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) principle and the international Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) developed on the basis of the implementation of HACCP, clearly put forward the establishment of prerequisite program (GMP) requirements.

  ISO22000< food safety management system requirements "is an international standard for use on a voluntary basis. Provides a unified reference, at the same time, the global standard for food safety management system, the implementation of standards can make enterprises avoid the different requirements of different countries caused embarrassment.

  Three, the difference between ISO22000 and HACCP

  1, the system is different

  ISO22000 is an international standard for food safety management system, it can guide the food chain in various organizations, in accordance with the requirements of the management of the most basic elements of a HACCP.ISO22000 food safety management system standard principle can be used to organize the self perfection and daily management standardize inspection of the first party audit.ISO22000 can also be used as the organization of the supplier of the second party audit standards, of course, can also be used for third party certification business.

  HACCP is composed of CAC (Codex Alimentarius Commission, under the FAO and WHO) on 1997, in the "general principles of food hygiene >CAC/RCP1-1996 update, Rev. appendix will" hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) criterion system and Its Application > as the principle of the establishment of food safety management system.

  2, the scope of application is different

  From the range of 22000, applicable to all industries, HACCP for food and related industries.ISO22000 covers food industries, and various systems of enterprises, various measures to ensure food safety management system (SSOP, GMP series, HACCP and HACCP) and the whole; mainly for food production enterprises, for the whole process the production chain of health and safety (responsible for the safety of consumers, 22000) including health and safety, but it is more specific, the integration of the part of HACCP and ISO9001:2000, and it can ensure safety in addition to improve their products, but also improve the enterprise management ability.

  3, the ISO22000 standard emphasizes the importance of "validation" and "validation"

  "Confirmation" is to obtain evidence that arranged by HACCP plan and operational prerequisite program control measures to effectively express.ISO22000 standard in many places and implied "confirmation" or "validation" is a concept. Through the provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled. The purpose is to confirm the system and effective control measures the.ISO22000 standard requirements of the premise scheme, operational prerequisite program, HACCP plan and control measures, potential product safety disposal, emergency preparedness and response, withdrawal should be validated.

  4, ISO22000 standards establish traceability system and implement withdrawal mechanism for unsafe products

  The ISO22000 standard is proposed to withdraw the requirements of unsafe products, fully embodies the modern food safety management concept. From raw material suppliers to require the organization to establish direct distributors of traceability system, ensure the delivery after the final product safety, the use of traceability system, timely, completely withdraw, reduce and eliminate unsafe the product harm to consumers as much as possible.

  Appoint manager representatives and set up ISO9000 implementation organization;

  Objectives and incentives;

  Personnel at all levels receive necessary management awareness and quality awareness training;

  ISO9001 standard knowledge training;

  Compilation of quality system documents (legislation);

  The quality system documents are extensively promoted, trained, released and trial run;

  Internal auditors receive training;

  Several internal quality system audits;

  Management review on the basis of internal audit;

  Improvement and improvement of quality management system;

  Apply for certification

  Enterprises in the implementation of ISO9000 before, should be combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, careful planning the implementation steps, the specific arrangements and gives the time and content of the activities, to ensure a more effective implementation effect.

  After several times of enterprise internal audit and gradually corrected, if the selected standard has been established in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system (the specific embodiment for internal audit nonconformities found less), you can apply for external authentication.
